Never Consider Bankruptcy For Credit Card Debt When a Better Alternative Federal Law Exists

US depression victims consider bankruptcy protection for credit card debt without ever knowing there's a better bankruptcy alternative provided by an older federal law that has remained secret for over 40 years. What's even more astounding is the guarantee backed by the US government!

How can it happen or even be possible that a law more powerful than bankruptcy with none of the life ruining side effects goes unnoticed by millions desperately seeking debt relief? Unbelievably, nobody ever thought about it! It's simple but true and the following brief story will illustrate how changing your thinking can change your life.

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A very rich old gentleman had three lovely daughters who married three outstanding young men. The old fellow had worked hard to earn every penny of his fortune and he decided the time had come to divide it among his three daughters and their husbands.

The old gentleman visited his attorneys who had guided him through the legalities of his life and business for many years to have them prepare the legal documents to pass his fortune to his three daughters.

The documents were prepared but when the old gentleman learned that roughly half of his hard-earned fortune will be lost to the tax man and other government entities he refused to sign the documents and ask his attorneys if he could read their law books for a few hours. They said yes and the old fellow went to work.

After learning what he needed to know he had a party for his three daughters and husbands inviting hundreds of prominent guests. During the party the old gentleman took the microphone and told his daughters how much he dearly loved them and then he proceed to unleash his carefully planned speech.

He told everyone at the party how absolutely awful the husbands were to the total amazement of the party goers. The three daughters and husbands had no choice but to file defamation of character lawsuits and with hundreds of witnesses the old man didn't stand a chance of winning. The judge awarded his entire estate to his three daughters and husbands which is exactly what he wanted in the first place.

There was absolutely no tax involved nor would there be on a court awarded settlement. The old man was happy to have beaten the system and so where his heirs when they finally figured it out. Now it's your turn to get the bankruptcy alternative you are so desperately seeking laid out by Federal law so keep an open mind.

Unbelievably you'll find your first card debt alternative law in a cartoon show when you search the term "FTC debt video" which you should watch at least twice, perhaps three times to allow this information and its significance to sink in because it is after all a federal law written around 1966. It's just one of your rights guaranteed under the Constitution.

There was virtually no credit card debt when this nearly antique law was written and the digital age has brought about major changes in the way banks and collection agencies do business. As you saw in the cartoon, collection calls are actually an opportunity to make money when they abuse you and a simple demand for proof letter will stop a collector in his tracks because he can't prove anything digitally which is all he's got to work with.

This is just one credit card bankruptcy alternative available to both citizens and businesses that aren't bogged down in traditional thinking where only one way of doing things is considered. If you don't believe you can do it then just get in line to be led to the big "B" slaughter house where your financial life will be lost forever but while you're in line just think if they can't prove I owe why am I here in the first place?. Live life and have fun!

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